RANZ Code and Privacy

RANZ Code of Practice

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RANZ Constitution


AI and the Information Privacy Principles

Thinking about privacy is vital if you are going to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools well. GO TO INFORMATION

Privacy Act 2020


The 2020 Privacy Act replaces the 27-year-old Privacy Act 1993.

There are a range of resources to help New Zealanders understand the 2020 Act.

These include:

Key reforms in the Privacy Act include:

  • mandatory notification of harmful privacy breaches
  • introduction of compliance orders
  • binding access determinations
  • controls on the disclosure of information overseas
  • new criminal offences.

The new law will apply to organisations who carry out business in New Zealand, whether or not they have a physical presence here.

The Privacy is precious awareness campaign was launched on 1 November aimed at educating New Zealanders about the changes under the new Act. To find out more, check out our campaign page: www.privacy.org.nz/2020.

Watch our Privacy is precious commercial.

Privacy Act 2020 changes

NZ Privacy Commissioner (at the time), John Edwards, presented to RANZ members the 2019 Privacy Bill changes. A copy of the presentation is available below:


The Office of the Privacy Commission has recently created a short animated video that might be of interest to members.

Watch HERE.

If you are interested in staying in touch with our updates on the law reform and other related issues, feel free to subscribe to the PC fortnightly newsletter here: https://privacy.org.nz/subscribe/

Protecting your personal information. Your rights under the Privacy Act

If you are unsure about the personal information someone is asking you to provide; and what they may use the information for; The Office of the Privacy Commissioner advises that you ask questions first.

Under the Privacy Act, an agency collecting personal information for any purpose, must make sure you are aware of why they need it and what it will be used for.

They also have an obligation to tell you who else they might pass the information on to, and for what purpose.

If you want to know more about your rights in relation to your personal information, you can:

1. visit the Privacy Commissioner’s website at http://privacy.org.nz/privacy-introduction/

2. call on the free phone enquiry line 0800 803 9090800 803 909 FREE, or

3.  email them at enquiries@privacy.org.nz.

ESOMAR Codes and Guidelines

ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics:


ESOMAR/GRBN Guideline for Online Research

ESOMAR/GRBN Guideline For Mobile Research

General Data Protection Regulation for the EU (GDPR)

Check out these two great recorded webinars by Dr Michelle Goddard, Director of Policy & Communication, EFAMRO: 

EU Data Protection Reforms: Ten Things to Know and
EU Data Protection Reforms: Practical Compliance Steps

Our Friends over at the Marketing Association have also done a write-up on what New Zealand Marketers need to know; head over to their website.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy. The key articles of the GDPR, as well as information on its business impact, can be found throughout the EUGDPR website.

Further reading:

  • APRC Conference 2017 Presentation: 'The 20 Million Data Question: an Update on the NEW European Data Privacy Laws' - Debrah Harding, Managing Director, MRS. DOWNLOAD
  • For notes on GDPR compliance by Law Down Under CLICK HERE
  • ESOMAR Data Protection Checklist DOWNLOAD
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